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Advanced search

If you type #(TicketID), you will jump straight to the ticket. For example, if you type in #1000-01, and press the "Return" button, you will be redirected to the ticket "#1000-01".

  1. Enter a search request in the search field and tap "Enter" on your keyboard. You will be redirected to the "Advanced Search" page.
  2. Determine where to search and check the box (-es) next to the particular category (-ies) such as Tickets, Projects, Resolutions, Wiki pages, etc.
  3. If you want to limit the search to open tickets or titles only, check the box next to Open issues only.
  4. Under the Search in attachments section, select one of the following options:

    • To exclude words in attachment content when searching, select Do not search attachments.
    • To include words in attachments when searching, select Search attachment filenames and descriptions.
    • To search words within attachments only, select Search attachments only.
  5. Tap Apply.

Found results are highlighted in blue and categorized by issues, projects, resolutions, etc.

Refine your search results

The "Advanced search" option is a set of filters that allows you to narrow the scope of a search query to eliminate irrelevant information to help you find the exact content you're looking for.

  1. Enter a search request in the search field and tap "Enter" on your keyboard.
  2. Dropdown lists enable you to filter your results by Author, Status, Start date and Due date, Project, Assignee, and Priority.
  3. Determine which results to show first — New first or Oldest first.

Save found results as a template

  1. In the upper right corner, tap the save icon .
  2. Fill in the Template Name field.
  3. Tap Save.
  4. Tap the following to find the saved templates.