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VNCtalk Resources & Requirements

VNCtalk System Requirements for Clients

VNCtalk Webclient (Linux/ MacOS/ Win64)

The Hardware of your installed operating system must be capable to execute the Google Chrome/Chromium web-browser properly. If you can use YouTube, then your are ready for the VNCtalk Webclient as well. Current versions of Google-Chrome/Chromium, Firefox-ESR and Firefox Quantum are supported.

Mobile App

  • iOS 17 and newer

  • Android 11 and newer

For both mobile operating systems, you need to at least fulfill these hardware requirements:

  • CPU: 2 Cores (1,8 GHz per Core)
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Internal Storage: 1GB min free internal space.

Required Network-Bandwidth for video calls/conferencing

While for your upstream bandwidth 1MBit/s is the minimal requirement in order to use VNCtalk video conferencing properly, depending on the number of participants, you need to provide at least this amount of free downstream bandwidth in order to run VNCtalk properly on your Client:

Number of participants Required minimal bandwidth in Mbit/s (down)
2 1.8
3 2.6
5 3.4
n 0.8(n-q)+1

This means, per AV-Stream at least 800kbit/s are required for proper functionality, if more is available, the quality of the stream is increased in resolution and bitrate depending on the participant's bandwidth abilities.

Required Network-Bandwidth for audio only calls/conferencing

While for your upstream bandwidth 256kBit/s is the minimal requirement in order to use VNCtalk audio conferencing properly, depending on the number of participants, you need to provide at least this amount of free downstream bandwidth in order to run VNCtalk properly on your Client:

Number of participants Required minimal bandwidth in kbit/s (down)
2 256
3 320
5 448
n 64(n-1)+192

This means, per Audio-Stream at least 64kbit/s are required for proper functionality, if more is available, the quality of the stream is increased in resolution and bitrate depending on the participant's bandwidth abilities.

Required minimum Network-Bandwidth without A/V conferencing

To use the VNCtalk web client and mobile app features, except A/V-conferencing (Chat, etc.) you need at least GPRS/EDGE/ISDN connectivity in order to have fun with it.

VNCtalk System Requirements for Deployments

DNS-settings and IP requirements

Assuming, the domain for your VNCtalk installation will be yourdomain.tld, then

  • a TLS-certificate, which covers the hostnames listed in column Public Hostname and
  • the assignment local to public IPs

according to the table are required:

Service Public Hostname Local IP Public IP
VNCtalk vnctalk.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
(user management)
vncdirectory.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
VNCidp vncidp.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
VNCpad etherpad.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
VNCchannels wss-vncdirectory.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
Fileshare files.yourdomain.tld Local-IP1 Public-IP1
XMPP xmpp.yourdomain.tld Local IP2 Public-IP2
Jitsi meet.yourdomain.tld Local IP3 Public-IP3
Stun stun.yourdomain.tld Local IP4 Public-IP4
Videobridge - Local IP5 Public-IP5

In addition, for video conferencing, these two SRV-records are required as well:

_xmpp-server._tcp.yourdomain.tld in SRV 0 10 5269 xmpp.yourdomain.tld
_xmpp-server._tcp.conference.yourdomain.tld in SRV 0 10 5269 xmpp.yourdomain.tld


In order to send eMail-Notifications and invitations to meetings to external users, a suitable mailrelay is required, that is properly configured for the domain yourdomain.tld, which we can setup for the VNClagoon applications.

Firewall settings

Host Protocol Ports
Microk8s (Ingress) TCP 80
TCP 81
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 5222
TCP 5269
(frontend / signal)
TCP 80
TCP 443
TCP 5222
TCP 5269
TCP 5280
TCP 5281
Stun TCP 3478
TCP 5349
UDP 3478
UDP 5349
Jitsi Videobridge UDP 4096
UDP 10000 - 30000