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VNCcontacts+ FAQ

VNCcontacts+ Client Setup

Q: How can I use VNCcontacts+?
A: You can use it on every device that is capable of running a supported web browser. In addition, there is also a dedicated mobile app for Android and iOS available. To access VNCcontacts+ using the web browser, just navigate to your organization's VNCcontacts+ URL and log in with the credentials provided to you.

Q: Which web browsers are supported?
A: Current versions of Google Chrome/Chromium, Firefox-ESR, and Firefox Quantum are supported.

Q: Where can I get the mobile application?
A: Android | iOS

Account Management

Q: Why can't I log in to my account?
A: When you log in to your VNCcontacts+ account, ensure you use the proper URL. For this, click "Change server URL" on the login page, enter the appropriate URL, and click "Change".

Q: How can I go to another VNClagoon app?
A: You can go to another VNClagoon product from VNCcontacts+ if you have a subscription to the product. It means that you do not need to open the product URL in a browser and enter your credentials to log in. Refer to the "Switch among VNClagoon apps" section, for a step-by-step guide.

Q: Where can I set up/ configure my account and what options do I have here?
A: Click on your Avatar, which in the beginning is a bubble containing your initials and select Profile from the menu. You can update, add, and remove some basic info on your profile.

  • Add or change an Avatar picture
  • Change your name as many times as you want.
  • Edit personal info like your birthday, job title, company name, etc. You can also change the email addresses and phone numbers.

Q: What languages are supported?
A: Currently English and German are supported.

Contacts, Contact Groups & Contact Lists

Q: Can I add contacts by myself?
A: Depending on your talk-server configuration, you either start with a pre-filled contact list, managed from the server side, or an empty list, where you can search for and add contacts and groups yourself.

Q: My contacts are sorted into groups. Can I create my own groups?
A: Yes, just click the plus icon next to the search box and then select New contact group. You can also "Rename" and "Delete" the currently selected groups as well as add new users to them from here.

Q: What is the difference between contact groups and contact lists?
Contact groups are used to organize your account-wide Address Book. Contact lists allow you to segment your audience for eMarketing campaigns.


Q: What services and functionalities does VNCcontacts+ provide?
A: VNCcontacts+ offers the following features:

  • Work with single contacts, contact groups, and individual lists
  • Import or export .csv files and print saved contact lists, e.g. as PDF
  • Find your contacts quickly by names, cities, job positions, and other criteria
  • Start an audio or video conference, use chat with whiteboard and screensharing via VNCtalk
  • Send emails with VNCmail or create a task with VNCtask
  • Share a file in VNCsafe with the contact or send a meeting invite.
  • Mark favorite contacts
  • Get access to your distribution lists and work groups thanks to the seamless integration with VNCdirectory

Q: How does VNCcontacts+ work?
A: Contacts are added automatically to VNCcontacts+ from your VNCmail, but you can also edit, enrich, and create new contacts manually. Each contact record includes basic information, such as first name, surname, job title, email address, phone number, and company.

VNCcontacts+ helps you to manage all your contacts efficiently and easily and extends your communication options. You can call or text your contacts directly and use all options from your VNClagoon products straight from the contact details, e.g. chat, video, or voice calls.

Q: How do I organize my contacts?
A: There are 3 ways to keep your contacts organized and clean:

  1. "Tags" allow you to categorize contacts into different groups based on their relationship with you and your business. For example, some contacts may be customers whereas others may be service providers. You can use tags to filter your contacts and more.
  2. The "Contact group" feature allows you to perform bulk options, such as start group calls, send bulk emails, start screen share sessions, and so on.
  3. The "Contact list" feature is for sending emails to multiple contacts at once and more.

Q: How many contacts can be stored in VNCcontacts+?

A: 25,000 contacts.

Q: How secure is VNCcontacts+?

A: Your Contacts are private and cannot be shared with other users, but when a user sends an email, recipients can see the names a user has saved for each contact.