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VNCcontacts+ Web Client and Desktop Client User Manual

Updated till version 1.5.3

Download & Installation

Install VNCcontacts Desktop Client

To install the VNCcontacts+ desktop client follow exactly the same procedure as that of installing the VNCtalk desktop client. Refer to the "VNClagoon Desktop Client Installation" section, for a step-by-step guide.

A quick overview of VNCcontacts+

VNCcontacts was created to offer an easy-to-use yet powerful contact management that allows fast access to all address books and enables interactions with installed VNClagoon products like VNCtalk or VNCmail. VNCcontacts helps you to manage all your contacts efficiently, and easily and extends your communication options. You can call or text your contacts directly and you can also use all options from your VNClagoon products straight from the contact details, e.g. chat, video, or voice calls.

After you have logged in, you are taken to the start page of VNCcontacts+ which consists of the following sections:

1.Collapse Sidebar button: The button allows to expand or contract the Sidebar 2. New contact: It allows to create a contact and a contact group 3. Contacts: The list contains your contacts, contact groups, groups of people you contact the most 4. Lists: The list contains groups with contacts 5. Tags: The list of tags you organize your contacts in contact group 6. Actions: The list contains contains "Import", "Export", "Sync VNCmail Contacts", and "Undo Changes" options 7. Saved Searches list: The list contains saved search results in folders. 8. Filters: They allow you to sort contacts.

Switch among VNClagoon apps

We offer single sign on (SSO) for our complete VNClagoon software suite. You can use the App Switcher to go to any another VNClagoon product from VNCcontacts+ if you have a subscription to the product. It means that you do not need to open the product URL in a browser and enter your credentials to log in.

  1. In the upper left corner, click the bento icon . You should see only the products you are subscribed to.
  2. Select a required product and you should be redirected to this product.

Log out

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Logout.

Account Information

View your profile information

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. Click your name.

The profile section displays general information about you:

  • Profile. Profile data include your full name, birthdate, timezone, company, contact information, etc.
  • HR data. HR data includes information like marital status, private email, engagement type, etc.
  • Account Details. Account data includes your profile name, security encryption type, projects, and more.

Change your profile image

You can add a VNCcontacts+ profile image or change your current profile image. By default, your avatar is a circle with your username's initials.

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. Click your name.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the kebab menu icon and then select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to your avatar.
  5. Click Upload and select an image from your device.
  6. Customize your image if needed.
  7. Click Done.

Edit the profile information

You can update, add, and remove some basic information on your profile.

Your name and profile photo can be viewed by other people who use VNC products, including when you communicate or share content.

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. Click your name.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the kebab menu icon and then select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  4. Edit the profile information.
  5. Click Update.

Help & Privacy Statement

Access Help Center

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. Navigate to Help and select one of the following options:

    • App Info. The version number of VNCcontacts+ you are using. User Manual/ FAQ. A comprehensive user guide providing step-by-step instructions on how to use VNCmail and answers to basic questions about VNCmail. VNC Service Desk. Adding a support request.

  1. In the upper right corner, click your profile image.
  2. Navigate to Legal Notice and select one of the following options:

    • Terms of use. A "Terms of Service" agreement provides details about the relationship between VNClagoon and users. It sets forth clauses that embody the rules, requirements, restrictions, and limitations that a user must agree to use the VNClagoon applications.
    • Data privacy. The Data Privacy Policy provides details about what type of information is collected and tracked on the website, how the information may be used, and with whom the information may be shared.


If you click a contact in VNCcontacts+ you should see the following, for example:

(1) Actions panel. The panel consists of buttons that launch some actions in a corresponding VNC product:

Button Action
Audio call Redirects to VNCtalk and starts an audio call with a contact.
Video call Redirects to VNCtalk and starts a video call with a contact.
Chat Redirects to VNCtalk and starts a chat with a contact.
Share screen Redirects to VNCtalk and starts to share your screen with a contact.
Email Redirects to VNCmail and opens a form to compose an email.
Event Redirects to VNCcalendar and opens a calendar.
Task Redirects to VNCtask and opens a form to create a task for a contact.
Ticket Redirects to VNCproject and opens a form to create a ticket.

If you initiate an audio call/video call/screenshare session/chat with a contact who does not have the subscription for VNCtalk, he/she will receive the invitation notification to his/her email address, registered in VNCcontacts+. The invitation notification contains the URL for the call. If a contact is registered without an email address in VNCcontacts+, you will not be able to use the actions panel - you should see the following warning:

Selected contact does not have an email address

If you compose an email for a contact who does not have the subscription for VNCmail, your email will be sent to the contact's email address, registered in VNCcontacts+. You can create an event only for a contact of your organization. And you can create a task and ticket for a contact only if he/she has the subscription for VNCtask and VNCproject. If the contact does not have the subscription for these VNC products, Task and Ticket buttons will not be visible in the contact's actions panel.

(2) Contact's information panel. The data accessible via these tabs depends on your role within your organization:

Tab Information
Contact Info Displays basic information with address, email, website, phone, time zone, language, skills and interests. All information in "Contact Info" tab is clickable. It means that you can compose an email if you click a user's email address and so on.
HR Data Displays different HR data, such as weekly working hours, private contact and address data, date of birth, payment mode and hourly rate. The data displayed under HR Data is imported from VNCdirectory.
Account details Displays identity management and access / permission management data, such as the role of a team member, account settings, assigned projects and further information. The information is managed in VNCdirectory.
Recent activity Displays your recent communication with a contact. This gives a great overview about your relationship with the contact, form of contact, sent messages, frequency.

(3) Recent activities panel. Tabs that contain the information about your recent activities in other VNC products:

Tab Description
All Contains your recent activities in VNCtalk, VNCmail, VNCtask, VNCproject.
Chats Contains your recent activities in VNCtalk.
Calls Contains your recent activities in VNCtalk.
Emails Contains your recent activities in VNCmail.
Tasks Contains your recent activities in VNCtask.
Tickets Contains your recent activities in VNCproject.
Incidents Contains your recent incidents in VNC Service Desk.

If you click any message in Chats tab, you will be redirected to this chat in VNCtalk.

Create a contact

  1. Click the plus icon and then New contact.
  2. Enter the contact's information.

    • First name is required.
    • If you want to add several phone numbers or email addresses, click the plus icon .
  3. Click Create.

View contact details

All contacts are stored under the "Contacts" section.

  • The contacts, which are used more often than others, are located at the top of the contacts list and stored in the "Frequently Contacted" section.
  • The number that you can see next to "Contacts", displays the number of contacts in the section.

To view contact details:

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Click a contact name to view their details, such as email address, phone number, or profile name.

    • From here, you can also launch some actions in a corresponding VNC product.

Edit a contact

Once you create a contact, you can make changes.

There are 2 ways to edit a contact.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact you want to edit and then click the pencil icon on a toolbar.
  3. Make required changes.
  4. Click Update.

Way 2. By clicking the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select the contact you want to edit.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears.
  4. The following steps are the same as for the first way of editing a contact.

Share a contact

There are 2 ways to share a contact.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact and click the kebab menu icon on a toolbar and select Share from the dropdown menu.
  3. You will be redirected to VNCmail. In the Email input field, enter the email address of the person you want to share the contact with.
  4. Click Share.

Way 2. By clicking the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select the contact you want to edit.
  3. Click the kebab menu icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears and then select Share from the dropdown menu.
  4. The following steps are the same as for the first way of sharing a contact.

There are 2 ways to print contact details.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact and click the kebab menu icon on a toolbar and select Print from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the printer options you want.
  4. Click Print.

Way 2. By clicking the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select the contact you want to edit.
  3. Click the kebab menu icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears and then select Print from the dropdown menu.
  4. The following steps are the same as for the first way of printing a contact.

Export a contact

There are 2 ways to export a contact.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact and click the kebab menu icon on a toolbar and select Export from the dropdown menu.
  3. Contacts will be downloaded to your device as a CSV file.

Way 2. By clicking the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select the contact you want to edit.
  3. Click the kebab menu icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears and then select Export from the dropdown menu.
  4. The following steps are the same as for the first way of exporting a contact.

Import contacts

You can import contacts in 2 formats: CSV and vCard (also known as VCF).

  1. Under the "Actions" section, click Import*.
  2. Click Select file.
  3. Select a required file.
  4. Click Import.

Delete a contact

After you delete a contact, it is moved to Trash. You can delete a contact permanently or recover it from Trash.

  1. Under the Contacts section, click Contacts.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • A single contact: Check the box next to the contact name.
    • Multiple contacts: Check the boxes next to all the contacts you want to delete.
    • All contacts: In the top left, click Selection Actions and then All:
  3. Click the kebab menu on a toolbar.

  4. Select the Delete from the dropdown menu.
  5. When prompting, click Delete confirming that you want to delete a contact.

Delete a contact permanently

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Trash*.
  2. Click the contact you want to delete permanently.
  3. Select Remove permanently on a toolbar at the top.

Recover a deleted contact

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Trash*.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • A single contact: Check the box next to the contact name.
    • Multiple contacts: Check the boxes next to all the contacts you want to recover.
    • All contacts: In the top left, click Selection Actions and then All:
  3. Select Recover confirming that you want to delete a contact.

Perform actions on a contact

You can create a ticket/ task for a contact in case the contact has the subscription for VNCproject/ VNCtask.

You can perform different actions with your contacts, such as sending an email, sending a message, or starting a screensharing session.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Click a required contact.
  3. Select the action you want to perform on a contact:

    • Audio Call. To start an audio call.
    • Video Call. To start a video call.
    • Chat. To start chatting.
    • Share Screen. To start a screensharing session.
    • Email. To compose an email for a contact.
    • Event. To invite a contact to a meeting.
    • Task. To create a task for a contact.
    • Ticket.To create a ticket for a contact.

Undo changes to contacts

Contacts removed permanently from your Trash cannot be recovered.

You can undo all the changes you made to your contacts in the past 30 days.

  1. Under the Actions section, click Undo changes.
  2. The Undo changes modal box will open. Choose a time to go back to.

    • If you select Custom, you should enter a specific time period to which you want to roll back the contacts list ("Days", "Hours", and "Minutes" fields).
  3. Click Confirm.

Mark/ unmark a message as a favorite

The starred contact feature allows you to bookmark specific contacts so you can quickly refer back to them later.

There are 2 ways to mark a contact as a favorite.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact and click the star icon on a toolbar and it will turn yellow, confirming that you've starred a contact.
  3. To unmark a contact as a favorite, hover the pointer over the contact and click the star icon again.

Way 2. By clicking the contact.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Click the contact's name you want to mark as a favorite.
  3. Click the star icon on the profile image/ picture and it will turn yellow, confirming that you've starred a contact.

Merge the contacts

If you have several contacts with the same email address, you can merge them into 1 contact to avoid double entries.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Duplicates.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • Merge, if you want to accept one or more duplicate contact suggestions.
    • Merge All at the top, if you want to accept all duplicate contact suggestions.
  3. If you want to select which contacts to merge, hover the pointer over each contact you want to merge. Then, check the box.

  4. At the top, click the merge contacts icon .

Separate merged contacts

To separate merged contacts, see the "Undo changes to contacts" section, for a step-by-step guide.

Synchronize contacts with VNCmail contacts

You can import all current contacts from VNCmail to VNCcontacts+.

  1. Under the "Actions" section, click Sync VNCmail Contacts.
  2. When prompted, click Import confirming that you want to synchronize the contacts.

Contact Groups

If you cooperate with the same group of people often, create a contact group in VNCcontacts+ so you can cooperate with the contact group instead of individual interactions.

All contact groups are stored under the "Contact Group" section.

View a contact group information

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, click Contact Group.
  2. Click a contact group's name to view the contact group's information.
  3. From here, you can also also launch some actions in a corresponding VNC product.

Create a contact group

  1. Click the plus icon and then New Contact Group.
  2. In the "Contact Group name" field, type the name for the group.
  3. (Optional) Click the avatar icon to add a contact group image.
  4. Add people from your contacts list.
  5. Click Save.

Edit a contact group

Once you create a contact group, you can change a contact group avatar, give it a new name as well as add new participants to the contact group or delete current ones.

There are 2 ways to edit a contact group.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact group.

  1. At the left under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contact group.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact group you want to edit and then click the pencil icon .
  3. If you want to remove a contact from the contact group, click the cross icon next to the required user name.
  4. If you want to add a contact to the contact group, find and select the required user from your contacts list.
  5. Click Save.

Way 1. By clicking the contact group.

  1. At the left under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contact group.
  2. Click the contact group's name you want to edit.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears.
  4. The following steps are the same as for the first way of editing a contact group.

Share a contact group

This option is under development.

This option is under development.

Export a contact group

This option is under development.

Delete a contact group

After you delete a contact group, you will not be able to restore it.

There are 2 ways to delete a contact group.

Way 1. By hovering the pointer over the contact group.

  1. At the left under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contact group.
  2. Hover the pointer over the contact group you want to delete and then click the kebab menu icon .
  3. Select Delete from the dropdown menu.
  4. When prompted, click Delete confirming that you want to delete the contact group.

Way 2. By clicking the contact group.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contact group.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • Single contact group: Check the box next to the contact group's name.
    • Multiple contact groups: Check the boxes next to all the contact groups you want to delete.
    • All contact groups: In the upper left corner of the toolbar, click the down arrow icon and then select All.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the kebab menu .

  4. Select Delete.
  5. The following steps are the same as for the first way of deleting a contact group.

Perform actions on a contact group

You can create a ticket/ task for a contact group in case the users have the subscription for VNCproject/ VNCtask.

You can perform different actions with your contact groups, such as sending an email, sending a message, or starting a screensharing session.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contact group.
  2. Click a required contact group.
  3. Select the action you want to perform on a contact group:

    • Audio Call. To start an audio call.
    • Video Call. To start a video call.
    • Chat. To start chatting.
    • Share Screen. To start a screensharing session.
    • Email. To compose an email for all users within the contact group.
    • Event. To invite all users within the contact group to a meeting.
    • Task. To create a task for all users within the contact group.
    • Ticket.To create a ticket for all users within the contact group.

Contact Lists

"Contact List" is an option for each user to create lists according to individual requirements, for example for marketing purposes.

  • All contact lists are stored under the Lists section.
  • The numbers that you can see next to a contact list, displays the number of contacts in the contact list.

Create a contact list

  1. Under the 'Lists" section, click the create list icon .
  2. Enter a list name in the field.
  3. (Optional) Select a color for a list.
  4. Click CREATE.

Add a contact to a contact list

  1. Under the "Lists" section, click the created list.
  2. Click New contact > Create Contact
  3. Enter the contact's information.

    • First name is required.
    • If you want to add several phone numbers or email addresses, click the plus icon .
  4. Click Create.


Delete a contact from a contact list

After you delete a contact, it is moved to Trash. You can delete a contact permanently or recover it from Trash.

  1. Under the "Lists" section, click a required list.
  2. Select one of the following:

    • A single contact: Check the box next to the contact name.
    • Multiple contacts: Check the boxes next to all the contacts you want to delete.
    • All contacts: In the top left, click the down arrow and then select "All".
  3. In the upper right corner, click the kebab menu icon .

  4. Select the Delete from the dropdoen menu.
  5. When prompted, click Delete confirming that you want to delete the contact. Your contact will be moved to "Trash".

Delete a contact permanently

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Trash.
  2. Click the contact you want to delete permanently and then select Remove permanently.

Recover a deleted contact from a contact list

You can recover a deleted contact from "Trash". Refer to the "Recover a deleted contact" section, for a step-by-step guide.

Rename a contact list

  1. Under the "Lists" section, hover the pointer over a list and click the kebab menu icon .
  2. Select Rename from the dropdwon menu.
  3. Edit the list name.
  4. Change the color as needed.
  5. Click UPDATE.

Export a contact list

You can export a contact list in 3 formats: CSV, XLS, and vCard (also known as VCF).

  1. Under the "Actions" section, click Export.
  2. Select a required contact list.
  3. Select required file format.
  4. Click Export.

Delete a contact list

After you delete a contact list, you will not be able to restore it.

  1. Under the "Lists" section, hover the pointer over a list and click the kebab menu icon .
  2. Select Delete from the dropdown menu.
  3. When prompted, click Delete confirming that you want to delete the contact list.


Tags allow you to organize contacts into different groups based on their relationship with you. For example, some contacts may be your friends/family whereas others may be your customers.

All tags are stored under the "Tags" section.

  • The number that you can see next to the tag's name, displays the number of contacts under that tag.
  • By clicking a tag's name, you can view contacts associated with a tag.

Create a new tag

When you create a new tag for an individual contact it becomes a tag option for all of your contacts.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • Multiple contacts: Check the boxes next to all the contacts you want to add.
    • All contacts: In the top left, click the down arrow and then select "All".
  3. Click the tag icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears.

  4. Click + New tag.
  5. Type a tag name in the Tag Name field.
  6. Click Create.

Apply a tag

If you've already created tags for one contact, you can add them to other contacts.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Select one of the following options:

    • Multiple contacts: Check the boxes next to all the contacts you want to add.
    • All contacts: In the top left, click the down arrow and then select "All".
  3. Click the tag icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears.

  4. Select the tag you want to apply to contacts.
  5. Click Apply.

Remove a tag from a contact

Remove a tag from your contact doesn't completely remove the tag from your account.

  1. Under the "Contacts" section, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Click a required contact's name.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the right side of the "Profile Information" section that appears.
  4. Under the "Tags" field, click the cross icon next to the tag you want to remove.
  5. Click Update.

In VNCcontacts+, you can use the search box at the top of the page to search for contacts, contact groups and lists.

  1. In the Search Field at the top of the page, enter a search request.
  2. Press Enter.

A list of results will be shown.